Is it Self Worth, or Just Your Pride Talking?
About a year into my healing process, I can better hear my inner voice. These are all the honest thoughts that I had barricaded so deep beneath that I couldn’t hear for a long time.
So when I was confronted with a suspicion that a lot of my life decisions were based on the fact that I thought myself unworthy, I was confused.
“That’s weird..” I told my therapist “I always thought I was really great. If anyone asked me how I felt about myself, I’d say I’m kind of awesome.”
I have finally solved this riddle. That this was my PRIDE speaking, not my SELF WORTH. How can I tell the difference? PRIDE needs outside participation. It is constantly seeking to validate – the proverbial “the lady doth protest too much” moment where you are constantly needing to convince the self and the world (in one way or another) how great you are. In my experience they are things that sell a self narrative to hide something else: looks, relationship status, job, whatever you need to advertise your value to the world. One huge tipoff that it’s pride not a genuine self worth: it gets triggered easily at any notion or suggestion in its contradiction.
SELF WORTH feels very different. It is a powerful, calm inner knowing. It doesn’t need an audience with an outsider; it needs no approval, nor applause. If someone feels differently, it is more likely to say “oh well, they’re entitled to their opinion” and move on. It gets its fuel from the self; a self acceptance and trust is all it needs. I have never felt such an inner power in all my life until now.